People of pension age will not be affected. If you are unsure of when you will reach Pension Credit age, the GOV.UK website provides a useful state pension calculator .
For people of working age who are still currently claiming one or more of the legacy benefits being replaced by Universal Credit (UC), The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) are currently in the process of migrating claimants over to UC.
As part of this process, claimants will be sent a Migration Notice Letter, inviting them to claim UC within three months of receiving the notice. It is important that you take action once you receive a Migration Notice Letter, as if you do not claim UC or request an extension within the three month time period, you may lose your existing benefit entitlement.
Individuals who are migrated over onto UC by the DWP after receiving a Migration Notice Letter who would see their overall benefit entitlement reduce as a result of the move will receive Transitional Protection, to ensure that they are not worse off financially as a result of the change. Transitional Protection is not time limited but can be withdrawn if your circumstances change in the future. As such, it is important that you don't claim UC until you have received your Migration Notice Letter unless you are confident that you will be better off financially on UC. If you claim UC before receiving your Migration Notice Letter, you may miss out on any Transitional Protection you are entitled to.
For more information the DWP's migration of legacy benefit claimants on to UC, you can visit or if you need help to make a claim after receiving your Migration Notice Letter, contact Cash Wise for support.