Plan your meals in advance, such as a weekly meal plan. This will help you create a shopping list and stick to it, so you are only buying the products you need.
For recipe inspiration, see our healthy living section!
Buy own brand alternatives. These are usually the same products as the big brands, but much more cost effective.
If you have leftovers from a meal, repurpose them into a lunch option, a new meal, or even freeze leftovers for another day.
Smaller convenience stores and express supermarkets are usually much more expensive than the same company's standard supermarkets, despite it being the same products. Where possible, shop at a standard supermarket, rather than the smaller, local versions.
Takeaways can become expensive, especially for families. Why not try making a 'fakeaway' instead?
Check out our fakeaways under our healthy living section.
If you find 'yellow sticker' reduced products, take them home to freeze for another day, that way you will have the same products for a fraction of the price.
There are many food products that can be frozen that you wouldn’t expect, such as cookies and cheese!